Sunday 16 February 2014

Beautiful Malayalee Young Girls Photos

Malayali young girls beauty tips

Keep your skin moisture and sweat free by using a herbal talcum powder about three to four times a day.
  Maintain high levels of hygiene. Bathe at least twice a day.
When having a bath, let your skin soak in warm water, which is mixed with a little baking soda or better still, finely ground oatmeal powder. This sounds weird but is a great to ease the itchy, prickly sensation of the heat rashes.
Here's another traditional remedy, of applying a paste of besan or chickpea flour mixed with water over the heat rashes. Gently rub the paste and leave for about 10 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.
When you break out into heat rashes, it is important to cool your skin to prevent it from getting worse and spreading further. Place an ice pack for abut 10 minutes every three hours, on the affected area.
Gently rubbing cut aloe vera pieces over the rashes is beneficial because of aloe's medicinal properties. If fresh aloe vera is not available, you can use aloe vera gel too.


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